What Makes a Person Spiritual?

Compassion, consideration, forgiveness, and love are qualities that are preached by many religions and spiritual paths. You don't need to be religious to practice these qualities regularly. Tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others can help build bridges and understanding. The most important thing about spirituality is authenticity.

A true spirit-led individual will follow their heart and let the qualities listed below emerge naturally from within. It's never something that is invented or artificial. A spiritual person understands that there is a higher power that controls the Universe and this helps them to be more in touch with their own spirituality. They know that it is impossible to be perfect or completely happy all the time, so when mistakes are made, they don't punish themselves for it.

The spiritual person is grateful for the space and freedom they have been given and extends the same courtesy to others. Spiritual narcissists may think they are better than others because they have been on a retreat or have been “spiritual” for a long time. They respect that others can firmly believe in a certain religion or spiritual path and the spiritual person works to learn and be open to what they can on that path. Spiritual people often live a life of service to others and manifest their purpose of life in that way.

A spiritual person knows that it is impossible to be completely pure and that this is not expected of them in the real world. They understand that everything they have is given to them by the Universe and this makes them feel grateful to be alive. A spiritual person knows that the Universe provides for them in more than one way, so they do everything they can to be thankful for all that comes into their life. This is a great way to show how much they care about others and this is what ultimately makes them a spiritual person. Someone of deep spiritual maturity will realize that a person's religion doesn't really matter.

A spiritual person knows that they should not feel guilty about how they react when a situation arises and should not feel like they need to apologize or feel like they have done something wrong because of this. The spiritual person knows that trauma and pain are part of the spiritual journey and that life can be really difficult. They understand that it is impossible to trust another person completely, because no one is completely trustworthy. A spiritually mature person understands that everyone is an individual, and what is best for them may not be what is best for others.

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